Yackety Yack, Days 69 & 70 – Making Banana Frisbees

Day 69 Sunday 16/7/2023 Mulambin, light rain cool 21 We spend the morning indoors and complain about the weather, but it is a chance to catch up on some blogging. Feeling wintry and with a couple of bananas in the … Continue reading Yackety Yack, Days 69 & 70 – Making Banana Frisbees

Yackety Yack, Days 65 & 66 – Peripatetic Septuagenarians

Day 65 Wednesday 12/7/2023 Mulambin, windy 14 – 22 Woody walks into Yeppoon. Elle and I drive in as I need to have an injection and Elle needs a chemist. Oh, the joy of being peripatetic septuagenarians. It’s quite handy being ‘on the books’ for the medical centre here as the nurse who gives me my jab also did it in 2021.  Elle faces the confusion we always face on the road. You see our home doctors kindly mark our prescriptions as being OK to dispense 6 units (if we want them, which is handy if we’re going bush). But … Continue reading Yackety Yack, Days 65 & 66 – Peripatetic Septuagenarians