Yackety Yack, Days 74 to 76 – Metamucil Musings

Day 74 Friday 21/7/2023 Mulambin, sunny 15 – 22

At last, today is Covid #5 shot day. No feeling miserable for Woody though, he walks halfway back to camp. I take a short walk around Rosslyn Bay.

We have new neighbours on the kitchen window side. I wonder out loud as to why old blokes would want to walk around bare-chested when athletic young ones rarely do. Woody chimes in with “And old blondes think they can still wear a bikini”. We’ve had some amazing views out that window at times, but this one is positively frightening.

Happy Hour is at K & B’s and B has baked lamingtons* in the air fryer in celebration. Yum.

Dinner is bacon chops in a Dijon mustard and marmalade sauce, mashed pumpkin, potato and broccolini. Marmalade? Sounds odd but trust me it is delicious and the citrus cuts the fat of the bacon chop.

*Lamingtons, cubed sponge cake rolled in chocolate and desiccated coconut and often filled with jam.

Accom: $49.52

Crikey, that B is a good cook

Day 75 Saturday 22/7/2023 Mulambin, just gorgeous

Woody is up early to fulfill his order of 6 pineapples from the Yeppoon farmer’s market and of course, pick up some Danish pastries.

It’s washing day and as I make the bed with fresh sheets, I hear a familiar soft hum. Obviously, someone must be doing the monthly check of their diesel heater. Oh bugger, it’s ours. I must have bumped the switch when I tucked in the sheets. I guess there is a downside to having the switch so close to the bed.

R & S spent the afternoon fishing at Causeway Lake, but have nothing to show for it.

Woody goes to Emu Park to pick up the makings of a pizza while I succumb to a bit of vaccination ‘Sooky La La’.

Venus and the moon are still up there and perfectly aligned with R’s BBQ. Ah, the wonders of nature.

Dinner is air fryer naan bread pizza.

Accom: $49.52

Sooky La La? Having a bit of a whinge about feeling poorly.

Day 76 Sunday 23/7/2023 Mulambin, sunny 12 – 21

Gingerly I step out of the shower, I’ve got this, no I haven’t, my toe catches the cute little apple bag, I stumble, and apples roll past the toilet. Just another day living in a small space. We’re going to have to eat that fridge down though. A kilo of apples, a hand of bananas, numerous passionfruit and a paw paw don’t belong in the bathroom.

Metamucil musings – catering to our age group the music played in the amenities block is 70’s and 80’s stuff. As Alicia Bridges croons “I love the nightlife…” I wonder if the old duck who is loudly clearing her throat at the basins was once a hot little number strutting her stuff with big hair, barely clad breasts, and long legs bopping to the disco highway. Oh, life can be so cruel.

We recently had our water valve replaced for the princely sum of $200. R popped around this morning and pulled the old one apart. Surprise, surprise it was only clogged with grass clippings.

We paid $200 for a new one and it was only clogged with grass clippings. I’m coming back as a handy person in the next life!

While Woody checks the beer quality again at Beaches Bar, I walk along Kinka Beach. This is the wilder of the beaches along this coast, is often windswept, is very long, and is always scattered with marine detritus. There are very few people on the beach but I do see two guys honing their golf driving.

Dinner is a noisy affair as there are 11 of us in the small camp kitchen. The boys cook and we girls provide the salads and B the sweets that she excels at.

Accom: $49.52

Fuel: $58.69 (1.799c/L)

With a couple of k’s of almost empty beach, why not practice a bit of golf?

Metamucil? Fibre capsules for constipation.

6 thoughts on “Yackety Yack, Days 74 to 76 – Metamucil Musings

  1. Oh dear, I remember being called a Sooky-la-la, what a put down!
    I have heard that old blokes in Caravan Park amenities lose their sense of propriety with their hair!


  2. The great advantage with caravanning is you can easily change your window view though I know you are staying put for a bit here. Oh to have the diesel heater switch beside the bed I envy you from a still frosty mid NSW


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