Yackety Yack, Day 39 – Pomona

Day 39 Friday 16/6/2023 Kenilworth to Pomona, sunny 5 – 20

It’s a nippy morning and oh the joys of public bathrooms. The woman in the next cubicle must have a bladder the size of a football and next to her, I can hear a bloke grunting. Along with the sign reminding patrons to use the brush, there should be one asking users to leave the vocals at home.

Woody is on edge because he still isn’t first to be ready to leave. We take the Eumundi road back to the M1. It’s a sunny morning and the dew sparkles on the grass. After a few short kilometres we turn off to Pomona, a colourful village at the foot of Mt Cooroora. We’re a tad early to check into the Pomona Caravan Park & Showgrounds which means we have a good chance to see the town and have a coffee. It seems everyone here has a dog and they’re all much bigger than little Nic. Sitting and sipping in the sun while Nic eyes a Great Dane, we’re so much warmer than we would be back home in Victoria.

A butcher bird walks on the umbrella above us

The Park is an unlevel mishmash skirting half the sports oval with campers parked in no defined order creating a disagreeable ambience. There is however a stunning view of Mt Cooroora.

Mt Cooroora from the Pomona Caravan Park & Showgrounds

As we settle in, we hear the wail of sirens closely followed by a fireman running at full pelt into the park. There’s been an accident nearby and a helicopter is due in. The chopper lands on the oval, an ambulance arrives. Campers sit gawking as though this is free entertainment provided by the park. Sadly, after a very long time, all depart.

There’s a good IGA supermarket in town worthy of a little shopping. It’s a bit chilly outside for happy hour so we adjourn to Elle’s ‘Betty’ and as it gets dark outside, we notice that the trees are lit with fairy lights. “Shit park, nice lights” mutters Elle.

Dinner is sausages with chocolate mousse to follow. That’s one tub down and one to go.

Accom: $35.00

Towing Kms: 49kms (Phew, that was a big one).

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