Yackety Yack, Day 43 – Hervey Bay

Day 43 Tuesday 20/6/2023 Maryborough, 7 – 23 sunny

Woody and the girls wash the vans. I wash the floor and post a few blogs. It’s been a little awkward this trip, with poor reception posts take too long and eventually, I just give up and enjoy the sun instead.

Woody has a hearing appointment in nearby Hervey Bay today. VeeWee has sourced a Brass Monkey fridge/freezer like ours for a better price and also in the Hervey Bay Area. She doesn’t have a freezer in the motor home so a compact Brass Monkey would be perfect. While Woody goes off to see about his hearing aids, VeeWee does some clothes shopping “Noice, nah, ooh noice”. Elle buys a set of wine glasses and I have a quick haircut. Which I might add looks better hidden under a cap. We stop to grab a quick lunch on the Esplanade at a place that only serves toasties and drinks. The girl takes our order and tells us that they’re closing in 15 minutes. Great, we wait 10 minutes for the toasties to arrive while the owner hovers wanting to shoo us out. Business must be good around here. When lunch arrives we wish that we’d joined the long queue for fish & chips next door instead. Two thin slices of bread barely encase a dribble of escaping cheese. We pull the slices apart to reveal a shaving of ham and a thin sliver of tomato. At least they were a quick lunch to eat. The coffee was light on the Java and tasted more like warmed milk. Woody said that his bottled water was excellent.

The pier at Hervey Bay

Running late and getting lost we eventually meet at R & T’s caravan for drinks and thank our lucky stars that we’re not staying in their park as they are all packed in like the sardines that would have been nice in the toasties.

Before we know it we’re back on the Esplanade and the sun is setting across Wide Bay. When Woody suggests fish & chips at that ‘busy place’ we’re in like Flynn.

Accom: $23.00

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