Yackety Yack, Day 59 – Goovigen, a potted history

Day 59 Thursday 6/7/2023 Goovigen, sunny 12 – 25

We all take walks around town. There’s a bit of action going on as power poles are being replaced by new ones and the mobile library is visiting the hall. I meet a woman who is walking home with her bag of books. She gives me a potted history of the town. The dilapidated corner building was once a cafe, behind the old store is the theatre building which is still just visible behind the palms. The closed but newish pub that was built after the old one burnt down is owned by a local farmer. And the police station will soon be occupied once more.

We walk and read, and doze and I sketch the church toilets. As one does. We’re invited to the tennis club bash tomorrow night. The mud is drying out and bare patches of earth on the cricket ground are now showing green shoots.

Dinner is crumbed steak, gravy, and vegetables. We’re really throwing ourselves into Qld cuisine now.

Accom: $10.00

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