Yackety Yack, Day 63 & 64 – Travelling Mice & Double Head

Day 63 Monday 10/7/2023 Mulambin, sunny 10 – 21

Woody is doing the washing early when another camper arrives and ticks him off for using the laundry before 7:00am. He glances at the timer and says “Aren’t you lucky, you only have to wait 3 minutes!”.

We sweat on the people on our site to leave, but they’re somewhat disorganised. In the meantime the site behind vacates so we’re eventually able to ‘drive thru’ which is a whole lot easier than reversing onto the site especially when you’re not going to be moving for a month and it must be perfectly positioned. Then it’s time for the setup, cleaning, and scrubbing the dust out until the van feels clean again.

Woody nicks into Yeppoon, no doubt for a look around, and returns with sweet acid-free pineapples. He’s been dreaming of them for a year and this area is renowned for them. He also organises for the mobile caravan repair guy to come out and fix our water pressure valve. The water pressure has been so poor of late that I’ve had to run around the shower to get wet otherwise turn on the 12volt water pump and use the water in our tanks.

Elle and I have a walk on the beach before Happy Hour which is at our van tonight.

Dinner is Thai Stir Fry Prawns courtesy of Sippin’ Sandie.

VeeWee arrives home and is still finding mouse droppings. She’s not a happy camper and the mice are probably tired from an unexpected 2000km trip.

Day 64 Tuesday 11/7/2023 Mulambin, sunny 10 – 21

Woody runs drives into Yeppoon and returns with chocolate twists from Baked on 44 patisserie. This park allows car washing, so he takes it down the back of the park to give the Touareg a tub. Having earned a beer he walks to Beaches Bar in Rosslyn Bay and is pleased to announce that they Yap beer on tap again, his favourite.

I walk Kemp Beach and decide to follow the path up to the top of Double Head where the views are spectacular. The native grass trees are flowering and look rather stunning with Great Keppel Island as a backdrop.

R & S host Happy Hour. Dinner is ‘spagbol’ spaghetti bolognaise.

Accom: $49.52

Fuel: $52.97 (1.749c/L)

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