Yackety Yack, Days 67 & 68 – Green Ants & Termites

Day 67 Friday 14/7/2023 Mulambin, Breezy 15 – 22

It’s Woody’s birthday and we have a quiet morning before he walks to the marina with R & S. Elle and I drive. Lunch at Waterline Restaurant overlooking the boats is excellent. There is now a new covered dining area that is open to the breezes and perfect for the tropical climate and for the butcherbirds too. Especially one who bursts into a loud song that is amplified by the roof like a sound shell. All talk stops as the little fella holds his high notes. The laksa and ramen noodles are delicious.

Sticking to the Asian theme dinner is spring rolls and dim sims (brought up here frozen from Tai Wah, Mentone, in Melbourne).

There’s a termite nest on the palm outside our kitchen window and apparently, it’s a Native Aboreal Termite called Nasutitermes Walkeri. Now keep this in mind, because it’s going to come up later.

Accom: $49.52

Dim Sims: the Australianised version of Chinese Shao Mai dumplings. We like ours steamed, some people prefer fried. Your preference is as important as which side of the spectrum you vote on and which brand of supermarket you prefer. One could quite possibly define your personality from the answers to those 3 questions.

Day 68 Saturday 15/7/2023 Mulambin, some cloud 17 – 23

It’s Saturday and Woody races off to the Yeppoon Farmers Market, returning with Panama passionfruit, Pinang Ducasse bananas, and from Baked on 44, almond croissants. If you haven’t already realised, he does love his food.

I crawl out of bed and come face to face with a small grasshopper that is on the blind. He needs a bit of encouragement to slide out of the window. I just hope I haven’t startled any campers by flashing any old saggy bits.

With Elle on board, we drive to Emu Park to visit the supermarket (as if we haven’t enough food) and the chemist again! Having stocked up on fresh local prawns and more drugs we return via Tanby Beach.

As if they haven’t had enough of caravans, R & S go off to the caravan show in Rockhampton. Double or Nuthin’ and Shirley Temple (as in my body is a temple, oh, ok I will have another drink) arrive and spend the afternoon manhandling guy ropes and awnings.

We both gallop off for a walk in the afternoon. I walk Kemp Beach around to the headland and then follow the short track on the saddle of Double Head. Pebble Beach is aptly named with craggy cliffs and a small Casuarina-shaded park above. Wandering back down I do find a rather large green ant nest in the trees.

Happy hour is a raucous affair as our numbers are growing and Elle’s old neighbours from somewhere long ago are now also here. She knows 3 couples from home who are staying just up the road too, this is turning out to be quite a social trip.

Dinner is a belated birthday favourite for Woody, Lup Yuk (Chinese dried pork & potato and tastes much better than it sounds), and fried rice.

Accom: $49.52

Fuel: $50.02 (1.769c/L)

Green ant nest, so cleverly constructed, if you look closely you will see the ants

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