Yackety Yack, Days 71 to 73 – Bell Park in Emu Park

Day 71 Tuesday 18/7/2023 Mulambin, some cloud 17 – 22

We have a quiet day. Shirley Temple hops off to the Medical Centre to have her foot attended to. Woody checks the quality of the Yap beer at Beaches Bar. I sketch the piers at Rosslyn Bay and chat with a trio who are fishing. They reckon they only catch big fish when there are no witnesses.

Dinner is Chicken and cashews with pak choy and corn on the cob.

Accom: $49.52

Sitting on the dock of the bay…sketching
Osprey nest in Rosslyn Bay Marina car park, I’ll swear that nest gets bigger every year.

Day 72 Wednesday 19/7/2023 Mulambin, sunny 15 – 23

With Elle, we drive into Rockhampton to do a bit of shopping at the usual favourite places. Woody has been busting to get back to the T-shirt shop in the heart of town, as their quality is excellent, and they have great local designs and slogans. We have lunch at Boathouse, the cafe that is suspended over the Fitzroy River.

And speaking of the Fitzroy River, when Double or Nuthin’ and Shirley Temple arrived in camp the other day they had been staying at the Rockhampton Water Ski Club on the river. They told us that there’s a big old croc in the river and that ski boat crews must practice launching their boats without getting their feet wet. No doubt those skiers must be awfully good at ‘off the bank’ starts.

Accom: $49.52

Day 73 Thursday 20/7/2023 Mulambin, breezy 14 – 22

A morning of blogging, washing, cleaning, and reading. The breeze is cool. R comes over to ask a few questions about our induction hot plate. I put on a pot of water to show him how quickly it boils and…as they “a watched pot never boils”.

Woody walks to Causeway Lake and back along the beach. I drive down to Emu Park chemist to fill a prescription. Gee, they must have known that I felt a bit crook ‘cos they give me 3 boxes this time! Emu Park shops overlook the Norfolk Pine-lined avenue of Bell Park which in turn overlooks the beach. In times gone by, Bell Park was a popular spot for company picnics when the workers and their families from Rockhampton would enjoy a day of festivities. An unusual wooden tower that was used for foot races still stands. On the way home (home is where the van is) I drop into Tanby Beach and walk to the Ritamada end. Along the way, I meet a lovely lady walking her dog. A little overinflated, he doesn’t seem to want to walk, but she says he just loves meeting people.

At Happy Hour, R has us pondering Venus and the crescent moon that seem aligned with his BBQ.

Dinner is Salmon, mashed pumpkin, and snow peas.

Accom: $49.52

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