Yackety Yack, Day 79 – A teacup filled with memories

Day 79 Wednesday 26/7/2023 Mulambin, breezy 16 – 22

Washing day has rolled around again and afterwards, we scoot down to Emu Park with Elle for lunch. The rest of the crew have been raving about their lunches at Ocean Brew cafe, and what a great little cafe it is. A palm-filled front garden and a quirky old house lend a relaxing vibe. Woody and Elle tuck into the lamb giros and I can’t resist the croissant stuffed with a hash brown, avocado, bacon, and a perfectly runny egg. We are amused to see a Noritake teacup from the 60’s and 70’s on the letterbox. Bringing back memories as both Elle and I recall having paid something like $1 a week to a trousseau scheme as teenagers. Those dollars eventually became linen, and towels, and that long-awaited Noritake dinner set delivered to our door.

That’s it the brown-striped one, and very fashionable way back then.

Double or Nuthin’ has been raving about the quality of meat from Mick’s Meats at Cedar Park. After we’ve stuffed ourselves to the gunnels at Ocean Brew we nip up to the butcher shop. Elle wants to try the bacon chops but chickens out when the scales hit 750gm for one chop alone. At least she can say that she didn’t ‘get the chop’!

I take a walk along Kinka Beach and return well-salted.

After such a huge lunch, dinner is a toastie.

Accom: $49.52

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