Yackety Yack, Day 80 – What in hell is that smell?

Day 80 Thursday 27/7/2023 Mulambin, Light showers, cool & windy 16 – 21

Another cool morning. I do a little blogging while Woody washes the windows. That, of course, triggers rain.

After lunch, we park the car at Lammermoor Beach. Woody heads off on foot towards Yeppoon while I settle for a leisurely stroll along the beach. The sea is still churned up and brown from the bad weather. Heavy clouds threaten in the distance. I’m always on the lookout for interesting flotsam and jetsam but I wasn’t prepared for today’s offering. A large grey body that I first suspect maybe a bull seal turns out to be a very dead and bloated groper. Holding my breath, and trying not to fall on it I measure it with my footsteps.

While waiting for Woody to reappear from a path somewhere in Yeppoon, I sketch the boat sheds on Ross Creek.

Happy Hour is a freezing affair in the camp kitchen but dinner is a warming plate of crumbed lamb cutlets cooked in the air fryer (from Mick’s Meats of course) and veggies.

Accom: $49.52

Lacking a tape measure but using the length of my shoe according to a small sketching ruler, that groper worked out to be very roughly, and a lot more than 6 feet in length.

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