Yackety Yack, Days 81 to 83 – What do termites taste like?

Day 81 Friday 28/7/2023 Mulambin, pleasant, no wind 15 – 22

Desperate for haircuts we decide on a morning’s shopping in Yeppoon. I’m able to walk in without an appointment or waiting time. While Woody and Elle shop, I wait by the Keppel Kraken fountain sketching. A chap who is a retired draughtsman wanders over and asks what I’m doing and asks to see my sketchbook. When he sees the drawing of a teardrop caravan in our park he asks for a photo for his daughter who just happens to be in the market for a little teardrop van.

Keppel Kraken fountain by the beach, Yeppoon

Woody who has also had his ears lowered, walks part way home. I spend an hour or so collecting debris on Tanby Beach and meet a couple who have recently moved here from Korumburra in Victoria. By the relaxed smiles on their faces, I can see that they are thrilled with their decision.

Tanby Point, not a bad spot to settle indeed

Just in case you are wondering Shirley Temple’s foot is improving and she and Double or Nuthin’ host Happy Hour.

Dinner is fat pork sausages from Mick’s Meats with stir-fried greens.

Accom: $49.52

Day 82 Saturday 29/7/2023 Mulambin, pleasant 16 – 21

Our 51st wedding anniversary. Woody visits the farmers market and returns with everyone’s fruit requests. The pineapples this week are little Roughies, the ones with jagged leaves and super sweet. Of course, we have chocolate twist pastries for breakfast. While Woody goes for a walk I colour my hair. Reminiscent of my banana muffins I get a bit slack with measuring the hair colour and my hair comes out quite dark with grey wings. I reckon that if I added a few ginger highlights I’d look as though a bantam hen has landed on my shoulders.

Starting to look like a prize chook!

Enough of that it’s lunchtime now and we’ve some Portuguese tarts to demolish.

Happy Hour is at W & A’s place and with K & B they’ve just been up to the old gold mining town of Mt Morgan for the day. Which is a whole lot more interesting than poor old Double or Nuthin’ who’s been under his van checking his inlet valve.

Double or Nuthin’ just lying around doing nuthin’.

Our anniversary dinner is a roast of beef in the air fryer with roast veggies. Followed by chocolate fudge cakes and washed down with a sparkling Shiraz from Cat Amongst the Pigeons.

Accom: $49.52

Fuel: $60.93 (1.799c/L)

Day 83 Sunday 30/7/2023 Mulambin, perfect 14 – 22

Always up early, Woody goes to the Emu Park car wash at the opening time of 7:00 am. But it isn’t open. At least he was able to use the vacuum.

It’s warm enough to have breakfast outside this morning and the sea is sparkling, prompting more beach walks and I find a rare green toothbrushii washed up on the sand.

You don’t often see these on the beach

Kookaburras are picking a hole in the termite nest outside our window. They line up on the next-door caravan and take turns to swoop over for a mouthful. Those termites must taste nice.

“They taste a bit like chicken, don’t they?”

After lunch, we take a drive to Keppel Sands, because it’s there. Sometimes it’s nice just to see if anything has changed and yes, the pub has been renovated. Keppel Sands is a fishermen’s haven, a small village of holiday homes sandwiched on the dune between the Coral Sea, Pumpkin Creek, and Cawarral Creek. There’s also a general store and an invitingly small caravan park. Those homes that face the sea have incredible views out to the islands.

Dinner is a pork and cashew stir fry.

Accom: $ 49.52

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