Yackety Yack, Days 84 & 85 – Munching Galahs & a Mandala

Day 84 Monday 31/7/2023 Mulambin, gorgeous 14 – 23

It’s less than a week before our departure and we’re starting to become itching for hitching again. We’re keeping on top of the washing and Woody washes the car. It’s warm enough to breakfast outside, a pleasure that we haven’t been able to get enough of this winter.

While Woody pounds the beach somewhere, I zip down to Emu Park. Zip is the operative word as there is very little traffic on this coast. A trip up to Yeppoon takes a few minutes and likewise to Emu Park. I think this is one of the things that appeals to us about this coast, it has beautiful beaches, everything that we need, there is very little traffic, and no crowds. After picking up a prescription from the chemist I take a walk around the beach before sketching the Singing Ship in the park. The ‘organ pipes’ in the mast of the ‘ship’ create music using the breeze. Today there is no breeze but as I try to replicate the unusual shape I notice that galahs are feasting on insects in the pipes and it looks like they may be nesting there between the sections of pipes.

Accom: $49.52

Day 85 Tuesday 1/8/2023 Mulambin, nice again 14 – 23

In the process of stocking up, Woody walks to Lammermoor Beach, I pick him up and we continue into Yeppoon for toilet chemicals and beer. There’s some kind of synergy there.

I spend the afternoon in the sun sketching the Causeway Lake fish and chip shop and trying to look like I’m not sketching the people out front. I meet an excited Woody on Mulambin Beach who directs me to an artwork on the sand. It is large and I later learn that it’s called a mandala. The artist is #ahippychickwithastick and trying to photograph it from the rocks is daringly leg-busting.

Mandala by #ahippychickwithastick

Dinner is lamb chops and veggies.

Elle has a juicy steak kindly bbq’d by Double or Nuthin’…but, she breaks a tooth!


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