Yackety Yack, Day 96 – More Shades of Grey Than My Hair

Day 96 Saturday 12/8/2023 Jerilderie to home, icy 5 – 13 (how do people live in this climate?)

We’re up early and ready to hit the road. Poor old Priscilla (our caravan) looks a mess. Red dirt has turned the floor mats a curious shade of orange. The washing basket is overflowing. The bedding looks like it could walk home. The fridge has gone from incontinence to iced up.

It’s so cold I’m wearing a T-shirt, 2 jumpers, and a ski jacket. Yes, you could say the change in temperature is a shock, and thank heavens for heated car seats.

Rain spotted window view of Billabong Creek, Jerilderie

At Finley, we do a quick detour. There’s been some discussion on WikiCamps about the Railway Station RV stop being closed. We check it out and it is open, it’s only the dump point that has moved, that’s good to know for future reference.

We say a tearful goodbye to Elle at Tocumwal, she’s heading southwest and we’re heading due south. We really are going home.

Golden canola under leaden skies and a few escapees along the fence

We top up with cheap fuel and aim for Melbourne. Light rain falls, and the highways are bumpy, thanks to unlevel patching.

Back in town, we take the Western Ring Road and the tunnel but the traffic is heavy until we pick up Eastlink.

Fuel: $88.85 (1.989 c/l)

Towing Kms: 380kms

It’s about this point that we always start wondering why we’re coming home.
Yackety Yack 2023 (Map Source: WikiCamps)

A few days later it’s icy cold in Melbourne and I’m helping our neighbour with a streaming problem. There we are, 2 old ducks sitting on the couch, sharing a heated throw rug and staring at the TV. Was that really me sipping a wine on the veranda of the Hebel pub in Qld just a few nights ago?

16 thoughts on “Yackety Yack, Day 96 – More Shades of Grey Than My Hair

  1. How cold was it? I just checked Melb weather, at 0915 Europe time 22 September it shows 58F or 14C. From your description it sounds a lot colder than that. But then again we live in a place where at 14C we are just wearing a T-shirt and a sweater (jumper). So I guess it is what we get acclimated to. Still sounds like a good trip.


    1. I find it fascinating that temperatures can feel different in different places, but there are so many factors at play. When we are up in Yeppoon we’ll complain about 20 being cool, yet 20 here in Melbourne in spring will be gorgeous. It doesn’t help either that we tend to amble off in all directions and through many climate zones. Our poor old bodies can’t keep up!

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