Sketches of – Grenfell

Grenfell, Central West region of New South Wales

We first stumbled upon Grenfell by pure chance. In October of 2020, we were tootling around NSW, the weather was good and unlike Victoria, NSW wasn’t in Covid lockdown. There was no point in hurrying home. Stopping for a coffee break in what looked to be an interesting town, we were told to check out the RV campground at the old railway station. We did, and we stayed for the maximum 3 nights.

This year (2023), on our way north we stopped in again. Once more Grenfell did not disappoint. Grand old buildings from the gold rush prosperity, and colonial infrastructure in the courthouse and associated judiciary buildings. Pubs, of which there are many, and churches for sober ease of the soul.

Once more we wished we could stay longer, but it was time to move on and the warmth of the north beckoned.

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