Daylesford Muster – Pizza Class

Day 2 Monday 11/9/2023 Fryerstown, patches of warm sun

There’s a grader working on the road behind us, but it isn’t annoying because the only other sounds are birds. Phone service is next to zero so we can only hope that those who are trying to ring realise that we are dropping in and out. It’s a good chance to put the devices away.

We put our coffee machine on the school veranda where there is power and sit in the warm sun reading and sipping and contemplating.

The miner’s tracks and roads around here reveal treasures, stone gutters, old gates from long ago. The paddocks are lush and green from winter rain and sprout daffodils and snowdrops. Rabbits hop about and hide in the blackberries. What was once the heart of town, has a grand avenue trees and bees are buzzing furiously by the stone-walled Fryers Creek.

P&C and J&C roll in and unlike us, are set up within minutes. The boys light a fire in the pit and another in the pizza oven. Though I think Pizza Pete overdoes things by using a blower to encourage the flames, after all, it is only a supermarket pizza he’s cooking!

Cooking pizza with a Blower Vac & a can of beer

When we were here last year, we learnt about the local fresh milk service and met Ollie the partner of the lady who runs the small herd of milkers. The milk is delivered to a fridge on the veranda and locals call in to pick up their milk and drop off their empties. This time we meet the dairy farmer herself. It’s also a good chance to meet the townsfolk as they call in.


While we eat dinner the town committee meets in the school. Of course, we get chatting and they show us through the building. They have a full commercial kitchen and a large function room that can be used for weddings and celebrations.

Inside the old school, which was once the new school, as the really old one is on the other hill.

Accom: $20.00

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