Hello Rochy – A Grey Nomad’s Dream

Day 5 Wednesday 21/2/2024 Rochester, Warm 31.5˚

Last night was hot with a thunderstorm, which meant that just as we were cooling down, the rain forced us to close the roof hatches. Instant sauna.

We drive back to Colbinabbin for lunch at the pub the one that we’d promised ourselves and discover that the dining room has a view of the painted silos and a caravan that is camped for the night in the pub’s backyard. Lunch is as good as we’d heard, and the menu wasn’t all the ‘usual suspects’ either. Woody moans ecstatically over the Spaghetti Marinara and I’m delighted with the Nicoise style Salmon Salad.

If the van’s rockin’, they’re doin’ the washin’. – Colbinabbin pub, RV camping & the silos, it’s a Grey Nomad’s dream come true!

Keen to do more exploring we return via Rushworth and Girgarre. Now Girgarre we know well, thanks to our many visits to their fabulously crazy Moosic Muster where nigh on a thousand ukulele and banjo players strum themselves silly in the summer heat. Rushworth on the other hand is well worth a walk and a look. Like so many others the town was founded on gold, but they have managed to retain a lot of their old buildings. Things are a bit hectic at present as the two main streets are undergoing roadworks but it’s still worthy of a good old poke around.

We have our happy hour under the trees on the riverbank while the corellas perform acrobatics above us. Dinner is cancelled!

Accom: $42.00

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