Go West, Day 105 – Katherine

Day 105

Friday 19th June 2015, 28 degrees in the van

Santa never made it into Darwin either.


After I clattered through the van on one foot in the middle of the night hopping from settee to stove to bathroom and back, we decided that it would be best to head for home tomorrow. Darwin can wait for another day.

We wake to dozens and dozens of FaceBook messages including the news that our caravan club mates have bombarded the Nitmiluk FaceBook page and demanded our refund and the Nitmiluk Gorge guys finally heeded their requests. It shows the power of social media and good mates. 

We send our heartfelt thanks to everyone for their kind wishes and support.

Now when can I get this bloody thing off my foot??

Accom: $40.50

Travelling Kms: 0

Note: “Santa never made it into Darwin” was a song released after Cyclone Tracey destroyed the city of Darwin on Christmas Eve 1974.

We did make it to Darwin in 2016, but sadly not in our caravan. We called in all too briefly on a cruise ship.

Knotts Crossing, Katherine, NT (running faster than me)

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