
A trip shouldn’t end when you return home.

A friend of ours once said “I spent $100,000 on overseas travel and I don’t remember $80,000 of it!”

It is for this reason that I began a journal on our first caravanning trip and have continued to do so. That journal becomes a private blog as we travel for family and friends to know where we are. The photos become a DVD when we get home, not for boring our friends to death but to cheer us up on a cold night.

Random snippets from these blogs end up here on to be shared with fellow bloggers and armchair travellers.

Another angle is the online ordered coffee table style of books but I find that I can never reduce my photos enough to produce a reasonably priced book. When the resulting book for a three or four month trip costs more than the trip itself then you’ve got to ask yourself “Is it worth it?”

Whichever method that you choose, for heavens’ sake don’t trust those precious memories to your head. Back them up to a computer …or three.

Adventure before Dementia

15 thoughts on “Memories

      1. In my early twenties I travelled around a big chunk of the USA on Greyhound busses. I only have a series of mental snapshots in my head now, but recently I came across a letter I’d sent to my mother. There were several descriptions of things I’d seen and done that I’d forgotten, but they all came back as I read.

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  1. When we travel my blog is my journal and the family have to read that if they want to know where we are etc. Up until the last trip I made a book after each holiday but you’re right they’re expensive. I wait until they have a 50% discount offer but that doesn’t make the postage cheaper which is why the last holiday didn’t become a book. I enjoy reading your posts.


      1. I find it difficult to decide which photos to use in the books, always want to include far more than I can but as a little compensation I do a collage at the end and manage to sneak a few more in that way.

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  2. Yes. I’m so glad to have the internet to help me keep my travel diary. But in some ways I prefer the pre-techie days of scrapbooks, stuffed with old admission tickets, postcards and haphazard contributions from the children. But all of these are good on a winter’s evening.


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